Heal the Woman Wound

This is THE sacred container for you to lead yourself to BEing the fullest expression of your divine wisdom.

You’ve always had a strong focus on achieving. You’ve worked longer, harder and more efficiently than most people you know.

You’re smart. You’re logical. You’re a problem solver.

You’re the woman people turn to when they need someone to be composed and in control—especially when the dirt is hitting the fan. No tears. No drama.

You set out to accomplish everything you thought would make you successful. And it worked. For a while.

But now, things are different. The world is changing. Your life is changing. You are changing.

On the one hand, you know there’s more you can contribute, and on the other you are very aware of the stirrings deep in your soul to evolve into the fullest expression of yourself – the woman you hid all those years while you were “getting things done.”

The woman who:

Had to "toughen up" your sensitive emotions in order to be "logical"

Ignored the "quiet voice" (intuition) and did what was expected

Learned to hide the fact that you can read or feel the energy of others

Hasn't been comfortable admitting your unique ways of knowing

Stopped being creative because it's not valued

Did everything yourself because accepting help is a sign of weakness

Pushed to the point of burn out to prove you could do it all

Learned to hide your disappointment and lack of joy

Now is feeling ready to honour all of Who You Are

You know there’s so much more for you in this lifetime as soon as you take the lead, including:

Tapping deeply into your inner wisdom

Undoctrinating yourself from limiting beliefs and social programming

Healing the woman wound and generational harm

Embracing the divine feminine parts of yourself

Acknowledging your divine gifts and talents

Finding your true voice and speaking authentically

Reconnecting to God/Source/the Universe, or connecting more profoundly

Becoming super clear about what's next for you - your purpose, your relationships, your visions

Deepening your relationship with the peace and healing of Nature

Being an example of authenticity and purposeful living for others as part of your legacy

Understanding the energetic shifts required for you to create your new reality

Living authentically, which is the key to your freedom

Being a role model for your daughters and sons

The Wisdom Revolution is the ideal private healing and activation program for women who know it’s time to step into their wisdom and leadership.

So why do we need a revolution?

Because going along with the social agenda is what got us into this mess, both on a personal level and across the globe.

Our culture prizes masculine qualities of competition, logic, and assertiveness over the feminine traits of collaboration and intuitive ways of knowing and Being.

Rather than allowing for the natural flow between our masculine and feminine aspects, we’re expected to function in our masculine energy All. The. Time. And we’ve become really good at being masculine.

But we’re leaving half of ourselves locked away. It’s no wonder you’ve maybe felt disconnected from yourself and your divinity, like a fraud or imposter, and like you’ll be “found out” at any moment.

It’s hardly surprising if you’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or bored. It’s no wonder you might hide your emotions, or your intuition, or your desire to accept help when it’s offered.

And if you’re feeling constrained and unfulfilled, you’re not alone. These overt and subtle messages have eroded women’s collective confidence about our worth.

For many women, this narrative has lead to a fear of expressing our authentic selves, and feeling disconnected from the fullness of Being. Or we simply get angry.

But it’s time for a new way. It’s time to remember our divine feminine, where the wisdom lies.

It’s time to step into our full power, and lead from the divine feminine: Ourselves. Our communities. Our world.

It’s time for a revolution.

   The Wisdom Revolution private mentorship program is ideal for self-led women who are ready to fully express the divine feminine and bring everything         to the table:

The Wisdom Revolution is a 6-month private Shamanic healing journey around the Women’s Wisdom Wheel. It’s designed specifically to help you lean into the wisdom of the divine feminine essence that is your birthright, to heal the woman wound and other harms, and step into right relationship with yourself, Mother Earth and life.

The Wisdom Revolution program provides the ultimate in structure and flexibility for your healing and renewal journey.

You’ll explore your deep subconscious, and practise getting out of your critical mind. You’ll make friends with your body. You’ll re-engage your heart space, and start to feel and honour your emotions again. You’ll elevate your frequency and become more sensitive to the energetic nature of Being.

As you remember your divine feminine power, you will also come to see the world with fresh eyes, and finally be able to imagine the infinite possibilities available to you.

You’ll learn to tap into and/or more fully trust your intuition. You’ll get clear on your gifts, and your next purpose. You will see your place in the great tapestry of life.

And you will be a source of inspiration for those around you.

Here’s what the investment in yourself involves:

In this 6 month private immersion program, you will receive:

Unlimited 6 Month access to Lisa for flexible coaching when you need it. This next-level evolution in private coaching provides the ultimate individualized care and attention. No need to wait for coaching call to ask your question, shift a block, or get feedback on your journey. Using the Voxer app, you can send voice or text messages when you’re inspired to do so. Get feedback, support or a celebration precisely when it matters!


Private Member Suite keys that open the door to unlimited access to the curriculum that will become the Map for your journey around the Women’s Wisdom Wheel. Here, you’ll also find a fully stocked library of support materials, audio files, guided journeys, and worksheets to enjoy on your own schedule.

Wisdom, Wellbeing & the Pendulum Course The pendulum is a valuable tool for accessing your divine wisdom. Your membership in the Wisdom Revolution includes this virtual course to polish your pendulum skills.

Weekly pre-recorded short lessons, activities, rituals and journal pages to guide and enhance your journey around the Women’s Wisdom Wheel.

Pop-up zoom calls or Facebook Live events help you integrate healings and activate your wisdom and clarity!

Shamanic healing sessions You will receive three energetic healing sessions from Lisa over the course of your journey around the Women’s Wisdom Wheel. These virtual sessions provide support and recalibration as you heal the woman wound and step into your next purpose.

NOTE: This is a limited time offer for shamanic healing sessions is based on Lisa’s availability. Register for the Wisdom Revolution now to avoid disappointment.

Meet your guide

Dr. Lisa Petty is a neo-Shamanic energy practitioner, wisdom keeper, wellbeing expert, and intuitive mentor for purpose-led women. She’s also a new grandmother, which has activated an intense desire to help heal the world for future generations.

Lisa earned her doctorate in Social and Cultural Health exploring what gets in the way of women taking care of their wellbeing. And guess what? A lot of it has to do with the social pressure on us to “have do it all.”

Over the past two decades, Lisa has has shared her wellbeing expertise with thousands of women through print media, television, radio, podcasts and her coaching programs. Lisa is also host of the new Wisdom Becomes Her podcast.

Along with publishing in peer-reviewed journals, Lisa is an award-nominated journalist and an award-winning author who has written 2 books – and is currently deep into writing mode for her next!

Lisa is thrilled to invite you to the Wisdom Revolution program – the most immersive and impactful program she has offered to women who are ready to revolutionize their life experience. 


Lisa's books

Here’s what you’ll receive in this private program:


Unlimited 6 Month access to Lisa for flexible coaching when you need it. This next-level evolution in private coaching provides the ultimate individualized care and attention. VALUE: $5555

BONUS: Shamanic healing sessions You will receive three energetic healing sessions from Lisa over the course of your journey around the Women’s Wisdom Wheel. This offer is TIME SENSITIVE and could disappear at any time! VALUE: $1665

Private Member Suite keys that open the door to unlimited access to your curriculum. Here, you’ll also find a fully stocked digital library of supplemental materials, including audio files, meditations, guided journals, and workbooks to support the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual aspects of your wellbeing. Enjoy the library on your own schedule.  VALUE: $1200

Weekly pre-recorded short lessons, activities, rituals and journal pages to guide and enhance your journey around the Women’s Wisdom Wheel. VALUE: $4000

Wisdom, Wellbeing & the Pendulum Course The pendulum is a valuable tool for accessing your divine wisdom. Your membership in the Wisdom Revolution includes this virtual course to polish your pendulum skills. VALUE: $149

Pop-up zoom calls or Facebook Live events help you integrate healings and activate your wisdom and clarity! PRICELESS

VALUED over $12,000         

Your investment: $5555

Who is this program for?

This immersive and life-changing program is for you if you’re a woman who is ready to see and integrate your own wisdom. You’re ready to acknowledge your shadows and your gifts, to heal generational wounds as well as those caused by social expectations on you. You know it’s time to embrace the divine wisdom within and to step into your place as a wisdom keeper. You know you have gifts to offer the world, and you’re ready to be seen for Who You Really Are.


Perhaps you’ve tried other modalities or done some work on yourself, but you’re still feeling stuck or that the programs were too superficial.


And now you no longer want to rely on others to give you the answers you crave: Instead, you want to learn how to access them yourself.


You’re looking for guidance that has breadth and depth, that will finally help you shift you out of the place you’ve been stuck for possibly years. You’re ready to see yourself and the world differently, and to embrace a feeling of expansiveness for the next phase of your soul’s journey.


You’re ready to shift out of who you thought you were on the way to having the life you envision for yourself. And even though you are on a soulful quest, you do best with real-world, practical skills and daily practices that will help you to stretch beyond your current self-imposed limitations. You’re ready to stop making excuses and instead find the courage to own your power.


And as you go around the Women’s Wisdom Wheel, you’re excited to explore and use Shamanic practices, energy healing, pendulum dowsing, nutrition, and other aligned practices…


Because this program is specifically designed for women who are ready, willing and able to change how they Be in the world.


 I’m looking specifically for women who are willing to commit to the program and allow expansion to occur.


I truly believe that women who have embraced their divine feminine power are required for the next phase of the human experience. We need healers, artists, business leaders, role models and teachers who are deeply rooted in their wisdom. My goal is to help one million women become wisdom keepers and bring their own precious gifts into the world. Will you join us?

Other Revolutionary voices

Very quickly, Lisa not only gave me clear guidance about what was keeping me “stuck,” but she also confirmed my own intuition about my next steps and showed me ways to more deeply tap into and trust my own intuition. So powerful.


Taking the time to figure out what you want, what you can let go of, and who you (already) are is worthwhile. Lisa offers sensible tools to give you the courage to do that.


I am truly appreciative of Lisa’s wisdom and the confidence she inspired, which allowed me to move forward where I was feeling stuck in my personal life.  She uncovered and removed a block of which I was unaware. Since my last session, I also have a normal sleep pattern for the first time in my life! That wasn’t even something for which I sought Lisa’s help!


Lisa was able to provide clarity in a way I had not experienced before. She allowed me to tap into my inner gifts and help guide me in a direction to help remove the blocks I did not even realize I had. This awareness will greatly help me in all aspects of my life.


Recognizing that all of those experiences and feelings are real and that I share them with so many women is truly helpful. Lisa recognizes how hard it can be to get started, on how to change both behaviors and feelings.


You might be wondering:

How much time should I set aside weekly for this program?

Weekly lessons will be about 15-30 minutes long. Set aside about an hour each week for implementation of new concepts. As you develop your own daily Wisdom Rituals, you’ll want to commit to the time required for those, as well.

Is everything available immediately?

You’ll have immediate access to the Soul Gardening membership portal. Lessons for your Wisdom Revolution will be released weekly. You need time to marinate with the concepts you’re learning each week, and time put the concepts into practice. 

How do I access the pendulum course?

The Wisdom, Wellbeing & the Pendulum course will be available to you inside your membership portal as soon as you register. If you aren’t familiar with the pendulum, we recommend getting started on this course right away.

What is Voxer and how much does it cost?

Voxer is a FREE app that works very much like a walkie talkie that you can access on your phone or desktop. You can leave voice notes or texts on the app. Links to sign up (if you don’t already have an account) and instructions for use will be included in your welcome package. It’s a super easy tool to learn and use. You’re going to love it.

What are the contact guidelines for connecting with Lisa for my personal coaching?

With Voxer coaching, you no longer have to wait 2 or more weeks for a coaching call to get the answers you need today: You can reach out via the Voxer app whenever you’re inspired to do so! Simply leave your voice message or text – even if it’s after midnight – and Lisa will respond within 24 hours (and usually much faster) Monday-Friday, between the hours of 8 am EST – 6 PM EST. All we ask is that, for clarity, each voice message concerns one question or concept, and is no longer than 3 minutes long.

How long do I have access to program materials?

Wisdom Revolution members have lifetime access to lesson videos and any downloadable digital asset in the membership portal. 

What is shamanic practice?

Shamanic practice allows us to access the spiritual wisdom inherent to all humans. Ancient spiritual practices are rooted in connection to nature, and help us return to the natural healing rhythms of creation. Through shamanic practice, we bring healing to ourselves, our communities and the planet. It is not a form of religion, and practices align beautifully with teachings of many faiths.

Is this a certification program?

No. The Wisdom Revolution private mentorship will help to amplify personal healing, growth and realignment with your soul purpose.

What if I have other questions not answered here?

Please reach out to set up a chat if you have specific questions about the Wisdom Revolution program and whether it’s the right choice for you. You will not be pressured to join. In fact, this program will work best for women who feel a full-body yes to enter the wheel.

What if it's not what I expect?

Please reach out with any questions you might still have about the Wisdom Revolution private coaching program before you register so there are no misunderstandings about what this powerful program entails. We do not offer refunds. *Note that monthly payment plan members who wish to discontinue membership can cancel before the monthly charge to your credit card.

If you still have questions about the Wisdom Revolution mentorship program, please send an email here or set up a 20-Minute Connection Call so you can get the answers you need.

rĕv′ə-lo͞o′shən (noun): A fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something; a change of paradigm


Reserve your sacred seat now!

Pay in full option



Payments option



Gloria Steinem once famously said that she envisions a future in which a band of gray-haired women quietly take over the world. Hair color aside, it’s time. And I see no reason to be quiet about it. 

I hope to see you inside the Wisdom Revolution!

Much love,
